FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

Provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA via
Cryptography & Steganography

Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core Documentation
Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core White Paper




Currently tested & released for :

  • Solaris 11.3+     [ entire@0.5.11- ]
  • Open Indiana Hipster 2019-07-25 +     [ entire@0.5.11-2018.0.0.0 ]

Solaris 11.3+ & Hipster x86


Currently Porting And Testing

​Solaris 10u11+, SPARC : Hardware, Zone, Cloud, Cluster, LDom

Solaris 10u11 – 11.3, x86 : Hardware, Zone, Hypervisor, Cloud, Cluster

​Example : Solaris 11.3Picture

​Solaris 10u11+, SPARC : Hardware, Zone, Cloud, Cluster, LDom
Solaris 10u11+, x86 : Hardware, Zone, Hypervisor, Cloud, Cluster

​Example : Open Indiana HipsterPicture



Documentation Quick Link Index’s


FooCrypt Command Line

FooSteg Command Line

FooCcrypt-Desktop Command Line

mFooKey Command Line

mOpenSSL Command Line

Cypher Key Control



Licensing -> Licensing : EULA
Licensing -> Licensing : Software
Licensing -> Licensing : Options
Licensing -> Licensing : Keys
Licensing -> Licensing : Dongle

​Log Control



The FooKey Method

First Time ? VALIDATION is what you need to do

Supported OpenSSL / LibreSSL Versions

Creating A FooKey


​Encrypting a File with a FooKey
Decrypting a File with a FooKey


​Encrypting a Message with a FooKey
Decrypting a Message with a FooKey


​Encrypting a File with a Standard Key
Decrypting a File with a Standard Key


Basic Security Profile

​Report A Bug

Road Map

FooCrypt ​Brute Strength

FooSteg ​Brute Strength

​FAQ FooKey

FAQ FooCrypt
