FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

Provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA via
Cryptography & Steganography

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FooKeyBoard ( FKB ) takes away from the ‘Common Flaws‘ ability to intercept and record any interaction with the FooKey creation / modification / use process.

FKB enables you the end user, to feel comfortable, that the key strokes from your keyboard and mouse clicks from your mouse / pointer device, are NOT being intercepted and the data you have chosen to encrypt / decrypt, is safe in its encrypted state.

FKB contains standard ASCII characters 13 & 32 – 126 & 163 inclusive ( See Table 1 Below ) along with :

  • Note : ASCII character 163 [ English Pound Symbol ‘£’ ] should not be utilised inside the contents of a FooKey and is only being Made available for use within a FooKey_Msg
  • ( See Table 1 Below )

Functionality Break Down

1st ( Top ) Line  


  • Resets all DDBs on the top row to defaults.

Execute DDB

  • Reset [ Resets all DDBs on the top row to defaults. ]
  • FooKey_Batch_Enc
  • FooKey_Batch_Dec
  • FooKey_File_Enc
  • FooKey_File_Dec
  • FooKey_Msg_Enc
  • FooKey_Msg_Dec
  • Std_File_Enc
  • Std_File_Dec 

FooKey_Key DDB

  • Reset [ Resets all FooKey_Key settings to default ]
  • File
  • FKM_AB
  • TWM_AB
  • TW_AD 

FooKey_Mode DDB

  • Numerical values 1 -4
  • DEFAULT : 4

Std_Key DDB

  • Reset [ Resets all Std_Key settings to default ]
  • File
  • TWM_AB
  • TW_AD

Input_File DDB

  • Reset [ Resets all Input_File settings to default ]
  • Batch_Mode_Dir
  • FK_Input_File
  • Std_Input_File 

Msg_Src DDB

  • Reset [ Resets all Msg_Src settings to default ]
  • TWM_AB 
  • TW_AD

Msg_Dest DDB

  • Reset [ Resets all Msg_Dest settings to default ]
  • LW_SOL
  • TW_AD

Select_Cypher DDB

  • Complete list of validated cyphers. 

Active Buffer DDB

  • Current Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch to Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


2nd Line


  • Cuts Selected Text


  • Copies Selected Text


  • Pastes Text starting at cursor position
  • Pastes Text into selected text when you have highlighted a range of text


  • Undos’ previous FooKeyBoard Destination change


  • Redos’ previous FooKeyBoard Destination change


  • Clears selected text


  • Deletes 1 character to the left of current cursor position.


  • Toggle Auto Key On / Off
  • Auto Key Press FooKeyBoard ASCII Character Key Under Mouse Cursor After About ( 2 – 3 ) Seconds
  • AK enables you the user, to by pass ‘Common Flaws’ by not having to perform a mouse / pointer device ‘CLICK’

AK Delay

  • Numerical values 250 – 10000, in increments of 250
  • AK Delay in milliseconds between Auto_Key Test


  • Toggle FAK On / Off
  • Flash FooKeyBoard Active Destination Button and AutoKey Key


  • Toggle XY On / Off
  • Display The Cursor X.Y Coordinates For The Active Destination Window

DDB [ Drop Down Box ]

  • Select Destination Window for FooKeyBoard ASCII Character Keys 
  • ( See Graphic 1 Below )


  • Selected_Under_Cursor [ Auto Selected Based On The Position Of The Cursor ]
  • Cypher_Key_Control [ *Default ]
  • CKC_Replace
  • CKC_Search
  • Log_Control
  • LC_Search
  • IWMB_Count
  • IWMB_Seek
  • FooKey_ARG_MAX
  • FooKey_LCS
  • Lock_Password
  • FooKey_Password
  • Max_Gen_Random
  • Test_Max_ARG_MAX
  • Test_Min_ARG_MAX
  • FS_Random_Width
  • FS_Random_Height
  • FS_RGB_Min
  • FS_RGB_Max
  • FS_Start_Pixel_Width
  • FS_Start_Pixel_Height
  • FSC_Password
  • FSC_Token
  • Special_OpenSSL [ *Advanced Mode ]
  • QRCS_Username [ *Requires the QRCS ( With eAES® ) Quantum Resistant Cipher Engine : ]
  •           *Note : QRCS_Username is only required in the QRCS Binary with Username / Password Credentials
  • QRCS_Password [ *Requires the QRCS ( With eAES® ) Quantum Resistant Cipher Engine : ]
  •           *Note : QRCS_Password is only required in the QRCS Binary with Username / Password Credentials


6th Line


  • Set FooKey Password


  • Lock FooCrypt


  • Set Lock Password

7th Line

FooKey_Batch Encrypt

  • Initiates FooCrypt Encryption in Batch_Mode so that you can drag and drop files accordingly


  • Browse and select a Batch_Mode_Dir

FK_K File

  • Browse and select a FooKey_Key File


  • Select FooKey_Key from the FooKey Memory Active Buffer


  • Select FooKey_Key from the Text Window Memory Active Buffer


  • Select FooKey_Key from the Text Window Active Data

FooKey_Batch Decrypt

  • Initiates FooCrypt Decryption in Batch_Mode so that you can drag and drop files accordingly

8th Line 

FooKey_File Encrypt

  • Initiates the encryption of the selected FK_Input_File with the selected FooKey_Key Source


  • Browse and select a FK_Input_File

FK_K File

  • Browse and select a FooKey_Key File


  • Select FooKey_Key from the FooKey Memory Active Buffer


  • Select FooKey_Key from the Text Window Memory Active Buffer


  • Select FooKey_Key from the Text Window Active Data

FooKey_File Decrypt

  • Initiates the decryption of the selected FK_Input_File with the selected FooKey_Key Source


9th Line 

FooKey_Msg Encrypt

  • Initiates the encryption of the selected FooKey_Msg Source with the selected FooKey_Key Source

Msg_Src TWM_AB

  • Select the Text Window Memory Active Buffer as the Msg_Src

Msg_Src TW_AD

  • Select the Text Window Active Data as the Msg_Src

Msg_Dest LW_SOL

  • Select the Log Window Standard Out Log as the Msg_Dest

Msg_Dest TW_AD

  • Select the Text Window Active Data as the Msg_Dest

FooKey_Msg Decrypt

  • Initiates the decryption of the selected FooKey_Msg Source with the selected FooKey_Key Source


10th Line 

Std_File Encrypt

  • Initiates the encryption of the selected Std_Input_File with the selected Std_Key Source


  • Browse and select a Std_Input_File

Std_Key File

  • Browse and select Std_Key a File

Std_Key TW_AD

  • Select FooKey_Key from the Text Window Active Data

Std_Key TWM_AB

  • Select Std_Key from the Text Window Memory Active Buffer

Std_File Decrypt

  • Initiates the decryption of the selected Std_Input_File with the selected Std_Key Source


11th & 12th Lines 

The bottom 2 rows have similar functionality to the buttons on the top row of the CypherKeyControl window. Except that. The DDB [ 1 – 10 ] values don’t switch to the Active Buffer, until the buttons are clicked.


  • Create FooKey Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Show FooKey Memory Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Clear FooKey Memory Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Load FooKey Memory Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Import FooKey Memory Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Export FooKey Memory Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Clear Text Window
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Show Text Window Memory Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Clear Text Window Memory Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Load Text Window Memory Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Import Text Window Memory ASCII Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Import Text Window Memory Binary Active Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Save Text Window To Window Memory [ 1 – 10 ]
  • Export Text Window Memory [ 1 – 10 ] To A File
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Show Random Data Memory
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Append Random Data Memory
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]


  • Clear Random Data Memory
  • Switch Active Buffer To DDB Buffer [ 1 – 10 ]

DDB [ 1 – 10 ]

  • Select Buffer​  [ 1 – 10 ]


13th Line 

Font DDB

  • Detected Fonts

Font Size DDB

  • Numerical values 1 – 30


  • Set Selected Font to Bold ( If Available )


  • Top Level setting to force FooKeyBoard to always be on top


​Hide : FooKeyBoard

  • Also displays the FooKeyBoard Destination and Cursor Location
  • ( [Character].[Line Number] )


Table 1
FooKeyBoard ASCII KeyBoard Characters

Generated via Menu -> Cypher_Key_Control -> Generate ASCII Table 32 – 126


1562671169244 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 13 = 'Return' = 1101 in Binary
1562671169244 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 32 = ' ' = 100000 in Binary
1562671169271 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 33 = '!' = 100001 in Binary
1562671169305 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 34 = '"' = 100010 in Binary
1562671169338 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 35 = '#' = 100011 in Binary
1562671169374 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 36 = '$' = 100100 in Binary
1562671169407 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 37 = '%' = 100101 in Binary
1562671169443 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 38 = '&' = 100110 in Binary
1562671169475 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 39 = ''' = 100111 in Binary
1562671169510 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 40 = '(' = 101000 in Binary
1562671169543 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 41 = ')' = 101001 in Binary
1562671169579 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 42 = '*' = 101010 in Binary
1562671169607 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 43 = '+' = 101011 in Binary
1562671169635 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 44 = ',' = 101100 in Binary
1562671169662 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 45 = '-' = 101101 in Binary
1562671169692 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 46 = '.' = 101110 in Binary
1562671169719 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 47 = '/' = 101111 in Binary
1562671169747 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 48 = '0' = 110000 in Binary
1562671169785 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 49 = '1' = 110001 in Binary
1562671169813 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 50 = '2' = 110010 in Binary
1562671169844 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 51 = '3' = 110011 in Binary
1562671169876 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 52 = '4' = 110100 in Binary
1562671169905 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 53 = '5' = 110101 in Binary
1562671169935 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 54 = '6' = 110110 in Binary
1562671169965 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 55 = '7' = 110111 in Binary
1562671170014 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 56 = '8' = 111000 in Binary
1562671170059 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 57 = '9' = 111001 in Binary
1562671170111 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 58 = ':' = 111010 in Binary
1562671170155 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 59 = ';' = 111011 in Binary
1562671170196 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 60 = '<' = 111100 in Binary
1562671170259 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 61 = '=' = 111101 in Binary
1562671170305 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 62 = '>' = 111110 in Binary
1562671170348 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 63 = '?' = 111111 in Binary
1562671170409 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 64 = '@' = 1000000 in Binary
1562671170454 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 65 = 'A' = 1000001 in Binary
1562671170513 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 66 = 'B' = 1000010 in Binary
1562671170578 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 67 = 'C' = 1000011 in Binary
1562671170625 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 68 = 'D' = 1000100 in Binary
1562671170671 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 69 = 'E' = 1000101 in Binary
1562671170742 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 70 = 'F' = 1000110 in Binary
1562671170787 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 71 = 'G' = 1000111 in Binary
1562671170846 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 72 = 'H' = 1001000 in Binary
1562671170914 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 73 = 'I' = 1001001 in Binary
1562671170981 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 74 = 'J' = 1001010 in Binary
1562671171058 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 75 = 'K' = 1001011 in Binary
1562671171105 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 76 = 'L' = 1001100 in Binary
1562671171148 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 77 = 'M' = 1001101 in Binary
1562671171213 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 78 = 'N' = 1001110 in Binary
1562671171282 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 79 = 'O' = 1001111 in Binary
1562671171348 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 80 = 'P' = 1010000 in Binary
1562671171412 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 81 = 'Q' = 1010001 in Binary
1562671171480 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 82 = 'R' = 1010010 in Binary
1562671171546 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 83 = 'S' = 1010011 in Binary
1562671171614 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 84 = 'T' = 1010100 in Binary
1562671171690 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 85 = 'U' = 1010101 in Binary
1562671171733 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 86 = 'V' = 1010110 in Binary
1562671171799 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 87 = 'W' = 1010111 in Binary
1562671171864 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 88 = 'X' = 1011000 in Binary
1562671171931 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 89 = 'Y' = 1011001 in Binary
1562671172011 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 90 = 'Z' = 1011010 in Binary
1562671172056 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 91 = '[' = 1011011 in Binary
1562671172102 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 92 = '\' = 1011100 in Binary
1562671172163 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 93 = ']' = 1011101 in Binary
1562671172235 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 94 = '^' = 1011110 in Binary
1562671172297 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 95 = '_' = 1011111 in Binary
1562671172362 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 96 = '`' = 1100000 in Binary
1562671172407 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 97 = 'a' = 1100001 in Binary
1562671172452 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 98 = 'b' = 1100010 in Binary
1562671172512 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 99 = 'c' = 1100011 in Binary
1562671172589 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 100 = 'd' = 1100100 in Binary
1562671172633 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 101 = 'e' = 1100101 in Binary
1562671172696 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 102 = 'f' = 1100110 in Binary
1562671172765 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 103 = 'g' = 1100111 in Binary
1562671172830 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 104 = 'h' = 1101000 in Binary
1562671172904 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 105 = 'i' = 1101001 in Binary
1562671172950 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 106 = 'j' = 1101010 in Binary
1562671173013 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 107 = 'k' = 1101011 in Binary
1562671173079 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 108 = 'l' = 1101100 in Binary
1562671173148 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 109 = 'm' = 1101101 in Binary
1562671173214 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 110 = 'n' = 1101110 in Binary
1562671173282 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 111 = 'o' = 1101111 in Binary
1562671173350 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 112 = 'p' = 1110000 in Binary
1562671173412 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 113 = 'q' = 1110001 in Binary
1562671173456 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 114 = 'r' = 1110010 in Binary
1562671173507 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 115 = 's' = 1110011 in Binary
1562671173552 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 116 = 't' = 1110100 in Binary
1562671173614 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 117 = 'u' = 1110101 in Binary
1562671173678 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 118 = 'v' = 1110110 in Binary
1562671173723 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 119 = 'w' = 1110111 in Binary
1562671173764 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 120 = 'x' = 1111000 in Binary
1562671173839 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 121 = 'y' = 1111001 in Binary
1562671173880 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 122 = 'z' = 1111010 in Binary
1562671173942 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 123 = '{' = 1111011 in Binary
1562671173982 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 124 = '|' = 1111100 in Binary
1562671174041 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 125 = '}' = 1111101 in Binary
1562671174087 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 126 = '~' = 1111110 in Binary
1562671174087 : STATUS : Generate ASCII Table : ASCII Character 163 = ‘£’ = 1111110 in Binary