FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

Provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA via
Cryptography & Steganography

Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core Documentation
Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core White Paper


FooKey_Message Decrypt

Decrypting a Message with a FooKey

Is as simple as

1. Loading your FooKey_Message into Cypher Key Control

IWMA and selecting the saved FooKey_Message
Menu Select -> Edit -> Paste


2. Select Your FooCrypt-Cypher

Menu Select -> Select_Cypher -> FooCrypt-a Through FooCrypt-z
[ FooCrypt-aes256 is DEFAULT ]


3. Select Your Message Source

Menu Select -> FooKey_Message -> Message Source
Window Memory Active Buffer
Text Window Active Data


4. Select Your FooKey Source

Menu Select -> FooKey_Message -> FooKey Source
Browse Saved FooKey
FooKey Memory Active Buffer : Encrypted Transfer
Window Memory Active Buffer : Encrypted Transfer
Text Window Active Data : Encrypted Transfer
Text Window Active Data : ASCII Transfer


5. FooKey Message Decrypt

Menu Select -> Decrypt Message

FooCrypt will then decrypt the Message Source for the number of cycles contained in the FooKey and display the decrypted message in the Log Control as a StdOutLog and in AllStdOutLog

6. Technical Specifications Of FooKey_Message

The message text source is converted to base64 data and then encrypted with the ‘Default Cypher’ using the ‘Master Password’ as defined in the Preferences Window.
The ‘Default Cypher’ and ‘Master Password’ must be the same cypher / password used for the FooKey.
The message is then encrypted with the FooKey and saved in BASE64 format and loaded into ‘Log Control’ with each line prefixed with :

FooCryptMsg_1_153 where :
FooCryptMsg [ FooKey_Message Identification Prefix ]
Line Number
Total Number Of Lines

The last line of a FooKey_Message contains an SHA256 checksum of the entire message which is used during decryption validation