FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

Provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA via
Cryptography & Steganography

Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core Documentation
Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core White Paper




UnInstall :

1. Delete or drag and drop into the Trash, from the location you installed it to.

2. Escalate your privileges to the `root` account and use `pkgutil` to forget the package if you have added into the package database.

Open a `` shell and cut and paste the following :

sudo pkgutil --forget net.FooCrypt

3. To check that has been removed or exists within the package database.

Open a `` shell and cut and paste the following :

pkgutil --files net.FooCrypt

4. The files contained in the DEFAULT [ LOGS HOME ] directory [ Users Home Directory ]/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt will still be available for removal or storage as you see fit.

[ Users Home Directory ]/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/.FooCrypt.Key                  { License Key }
[ Users Home Directory ]/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/.FooCrypt.Lic                   { License Key }
[ Users Home Directory ]/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/.FooKey                            { DEFAULT FooKey Location }
[ Users Home Directory ]/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/.FooCrypt                         { FooCrypt Startup Preferences }
[ Users Home Directory ]/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/.FooCrypt_Preferences { DEFAULT FooCrypt G.U.I. Configurations and user saved preferences }
[ Users Home Directory ]/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_   { DEFAULT FooCrypt run time temporary and logs directory }