FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

Provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA via
Cryptography & Steganography

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FooSteg Preferences



FooStegs’ configuration and master control area.

Giving you the options and variations that takes FooSteg into the direction you need to go.


Functionality Break Down

Test Button

  • Runs FooSteg -a Test -A [ 0 – 7 ] -C [ Change Formula ] -c [ Change Numeric ] -O [ Random Output Format | None : Performs All Formats | BMP | JPEG | PCX | PNG | PPM | SGI | SUN | TGA | TIFF ]TestVerbose is available via the Menu [ FooSteg -> Test -> TestVerbose ]

TestAll Change Formulas Button

  • Runs FooSteg -a Test -A [ 0 – 7 ] -c [ Change Numeric ] -O [ Random Output Format | None : Performs All Formats | BMP | JPEG | PCX | PNG | PPM | SGI | SUN | TGA | TIFF ]

TestCopy Button

  • Runs FooSteg -a TestCopy -f [ Copy Input Image ] -F [ Copy Input Image Format ] -O [ Copy Output Format | None : Performs All Formats | BMP | JPEG | PCX | PNG | PPM | SGI | SUN | TGA | TIFF ]


  • Available via the Menu [ FooSteg -> Test -> TestCopyVerbose ]

FSC_Password Button

  • Apply The FooStegKey To The FooStegCypher To Reorganise [ FooStegScanMap -> FooStegCypher -> FooStegWriteMap | FooStegExtractMap ]

FSC_Token Button

  • Apply The FooStegToken With The FooStegKey To The FooStegCypher To Reorganise [ FooStegScanMap -> FooStegCypher -> FooStegExtractMap ]

Reset Button

  • Resets The FooSteg Preferences To Default And Clears All Settings

Analyse Button

  • Runs FooSteg -a Analyse [ with configured settings ]

Copy Button

  • Runs FooSteg -a Copy [ with configured settings ]

Extract Button

  • Runs FooSteg -a Extract [ with configured settings ]

Random Button

  • Runs FooSteg -a Random [ with configured settings ]

Read Button

  • Runs FooSteg -a Read [ with configured settings ]

Write Button

  • Runs FooSteg -a Write [ with configured settings ]

Select Analyse Input Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to select an image file
  • Attempts to identify the image format and sets the Format DDB
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename

Select Base64 Source Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to select a base64 ASCII file
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename
  • Is linked with the ‘Select Base64 Source’ next to the Write button.

Select Base64 Source DDB

  • Is linked with the ‘Select Base64 DDB’ next to the Write button.
  • None
  • File [ Opens up a window dialog for the user to select a base64 ASCII file ]
    • [ FileName : is updated with the selected filename ]
  • Text_Window [ Selects Text Window Active Data ]
    • [ FileName : is updated with ‘Text Window’ ]
  • Window_Memory [ Selects Text Window Memory Active Buffer ]
    • [ FileName : is updated with ‘Text Window Memory’ ]

Select Base64 Destination Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to save a base64 ASCII file
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename

Select Base64 Destination DDB

  • None
  • File [ Opens up a window dialog for the user to select a base64 ASCII file ]
    • [ FileName : is updated with the selected filename ]
  • Text_Window [ Selects Text Window Active Data ]
    • [ FileName : is updated with ‘Text Window’ ]
  • Window_Memory [ Selects Text Window Memory Active Buffer ]
    • [ FileName : is updated with ‘Text Window Memory’ ]

Select Analyse Input Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to select an image file
  • Attempts to identify the image format and sets the Format DDB
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename

Select Copy Input Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to select an image file
  • Attempts to identify the image format and sets the Format DDB
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename

Select Copy Output Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to save an image file
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename

Select Extract Input Data Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to select an image file
  • Attempts to identify the image format and sets the Format DDB
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename

Select Extract Input Source Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to select an image file
  • Attempts to identify the image format and sets the Format DDB
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename

Select Random Output Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to save an image file
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename

Select Write Input Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to select an image file
  • Attempts to identify the image format and sets the Format DDB
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename

Select Write Output Button

  • Opens up a window dialog for the user to save an image file
  • FileName : is updated with the selected filename

Format DDB’s

  • Provides a list of allowed Image Formats for each selected Image File For Input and Output as per the table below


Formula ( Change Formula ) DDB

  • Change Formula for use with Write, Extract & Copy modes
  • Modes
    • Write
    • Extract
      • [ N | None , A | Algebraic , EA | Ecliptic_Area , EC | Ecliptic_Circumference , L | Linear , S1,x,y | Sequence1,x,y , S2,x,y | Sequence2,x,y , SW | Sign-Wave ]
      • [ Continually Change From Positive To Negative To Positive ….. Binary Writes / Extracts, Every [ Change Formula Numeric Value ], Till EndRGB / EndBASE64 ]
      • [ Continually Change From Negative To Positive To Negative ….. Binary Writes / Extracts, Every [ Change Formula Numeric Value ], Till EndRGB / EndBASE64 ]
  • N | None
  • A | Algebraic
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( ( r * Prime Number ) / π )
      • where r = 100.0
      • where Prime Number = Lowest Prime Number Between : rπ and ( rπ+100, rπ+600, rπ+1100, … )
      • where π = 3.14159
      • where [ Change Formula Numeric Value ], per Scanned, -B [ Bounce Change Oscillations : Pixel | RGB ] Value
  • EA | Ecliptic_Area
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( πr2 (Pi R Squared)
      • where r = [ Change Numeric Value ] )
      • where π = 3.14159
      • where [ Change Formula Numeric Value ], per Scanned, -B [ Bounce Change Oscillations : Pixel | RGB ] Value
  • EC | Ecliptic_Circumference
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( 2πr ( 2 Pi R )
      • where r = [ Change Numeric Value ] )
      • where π = 3.14159
      • where [ Change Formula Numeric Value ], per Scanned, -B [ Bounce Change Oscillations : Pixel | RGB ] Value
  • L | Linear
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( N )
      • where N = [ Change Numeric Value ], per + – or – +
      • where [ Change Formula Numeric Value ], per Scanned, -B [ Bounce Change Oscillations : Pixel | RGB ] Value
  • S1,x,y | Sequence1,x,y
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( N,N+(1x),N+(2x),…,N+(yx), …. Repeating )
      • Rounded To 5 Decimal Places : 0.12345
      • where N = [ Change Numeric Value ] )
      • where x = ( Stepped Sequence Value )
        • Minimum 0.1
      • where y = ( Maximum Sequence Value )
        • Minimum 1.0
      • where [ Change Formula Numeric Value ], per Scanned, -B [ Bounce Change Oscillations : Pixel | RGB ] Value
  • S2,x,y | Sequence2,x,y
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( N,N+(1x),N+(2x),…,N+(yx),N+(yx)…,N+(2x),N+(1x),N, …. Repeating )
      • Rounded To 5 Decimal Places : 0.12345
      • where N = [ Change Numeric Value ] )
      • where x = ( Stepped Sequence Value )
        • Minimum 0.1
      • where y = ( Maximum Sequence Value )
        • Minimum 1.0
      • where [ Change Formula Numeric Value ], per Scanned, -B [ Bounce Change Oscillations : Pixel | RGB ] Value
  • SW | Sign-Wave
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( λ = v / f ( Wave Length = Velocity / Frequency )
      • where λ = [ Change Numeric Value ], per + – + or – + –
      • where [ Change Formula Numeric Value ], per Scanned, -B [ Bounce Change Oscillations : Pixel | RGB ] Value
  • Modes
    • Copy
      • [ N | None , G | Grayscale , Neg | Negative , S,x,y | Sepia,x,y ]
  • N | None
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( Percentage Variance Of RGB Values Of The Input Image Intensity )
  • G | Grayscale
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( Percentage Variance Of RGB Values Of The Input Image Intensity )
      • where N = ( [ Change Numeric Value ] / 100 )
  • Neg | Negative
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( Percentage Variance Of RGB Values Of The Input Image Intensity )
      • where N = ( [ Change Numeric Value ] / 100 )
  • S,x,y | Sepia,x,y
    • [ Change Formula Numeric Value ] = ( Percentage Variance Of RGB Values Of The Input Image Intensity )
      • where N = ( [ Change Numeric Value ] / 100 )
      • where x = ( Sepia Depth Value )
        • Default 20
      • where y = ( Sepia Intensity Value )
        • Default 30

RIW ( Random Image Width ) Input Box

  • Image Width Used For Creating A Random Image
  • Default : 1024
  • Min : 1
  • Max : 10000

RIH ( Random Image Height ) Input Box

  • Image Height Used For Creating A Random Image
  • Default : 768
  • Min : 1
  • Max : 10000

RGB Minimum Input Box

  • RGB Minimum Setting
  • Default : 1
  • Min : 1
  • Max : 253
  • Must be less than RGB Maximum value

RGB Maximum Input Box

  • RGB Maximum Setting
  • Default : 254
  • Min : 2
  • Max : 254
  • Must be greater than RGB Minimum value

Scan Mode DDB

  • Enables FooSteg -A [ 0 – 7 ] Command Line Option

Rounds DDB

  • Enables Rounds -R [ 19 – 512 ] Command Line Option

N ( Change Numeric ) Input Box

  • Write & Extract Change Formulas
  • Default : 10.0
  • Min : 1.0
  • Copy Change Formulas
  • Default : 100.0
  • Min : 1.0

x ( Sequence [ 1 | 2 ] x value, SepiaX value ) Input Box

  • Write & Extract Change Formulas
  • Default : 1.0
  • Min : 1.0
  • Copy Change Formulas
  • Default : 20.0
  • Min : 1.0

y ( Sequence [ 1 | 2 ] y value, SepiaY value ) Input Box

  • Write & Extract Change Formulas
  • Default : 10.0
  • Min : 1.0
  • Copy Change Formulas
  • Default : 30.0
  • Min : 1.0

SPW ( Start Pixel Width ) Input Box

  • Image Pixel Width Starting Location For Command Line Option -p
  • Default : 0
  • Min : 0
  • Max : Image Pixel Width

SPH ( Start Pixel Height ) Input Box

  • Image Pixel Height Starting Location For Command Line Option -p
  • Default : 0
  • Min : 0
  • Max : Image Pixel Height

CSP ( Custom Start Pixel ) Check Box

  • Enables Command Line Option -p

Repeat Write Check Box

  • Enables Command Line Option -r
  • [ EndRGB : Repeat Write Of BASE64 Data To End Of RGB WriteMap ]
    • * Default EndBASE64 : Write BASE64 Data Till End Of BASE64 Data
      • * Write
      • * Test

Bounce Change Oscillations DDB

  • [ Pixel | RGB ]
  • Default : Pixel

OffSet ( Binary OffSet Mode ) DDB

  • [ Positive | Negative ]
  • Default : Positive

Reset FooSteg Preferences To Default Button

  • Resets FooSteg Preferences To Default


FooSteg Preferences Menu Options
