FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

Provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA via
Cryptography & Steganography

Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core Documentation
Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core White Paper


Licensing Keys Request


Fill out the form below ensuring that the name and email address matches the details you used when purchasing.




FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core Licensing Instructions.

Please fill out a license request via

	* Click the "FooCrypt Licensing Request" check box

	* Enter your Full Name and Email Address as per your Licensing Option Purchase

	* 1_Demonstration ( 14 Days ) :
		1. Click the "1_Demonstration" checkbox and Enter your Full Name and Email Address as per your Licensing Option Purchase
		2. Click the "FooCrypt Licensing Request Platform" checkbox that matches your purchase

	* 1_Month ( 5 Weeks ) :
		1. Click the "1_Month" checkbox and Enter your Full Name and Email Address as per your Licensing Option Purchase
		2. Click the "FooCrypt Licensing Request Platform" checkbox that matches your purchase

	* 1_Big_Thought ( 42 Weeks ) :
	  * Invitation Only
		1. Click the "1_Big_Thought" checkbox and Enter your Full Name and Email Address as per your Licensing Option Purchase
		2. Click the "FooCrypt Licensing Request Platform" checkbox that matches your purchase

	* 1_Year ( 53 Weeks ) :
		1. Click the "1_Year" checkbox and Enter your Full Name and Email Address as per your Licensing Option Purchase
		2. Click the "FooCrypt Licensing Request Platform" checkbox that matches your purchase

	* 1_Perpetual ( Lifetime ) :
		1. Click the "1_Perpetual" checkbox and Enter your Full Name and Email Address as per your Licensing Option Purchase
		2. Click the "FooCrypt Licensing Request Platform" checkbox that matches your purchase
		3. Please enter your "[ Serial Number ]" into the "FooCrypt Licensing Request" Field

 			* Where [ Serial Number ] is either the serial number of your Mac Hardware ( Darwin Version )
			  or the Licensing Dongle ( Linux | Live Linux | Windows ) versions as per
			  or the output from the /bin/hostid command on Solaris

	* 10_Perpetual ( Lifetime ) :
		1. Click the "10_Perpetual" checkbox and Enter your Full Name and Email Address as per your Licensing Option Purchase
		2. Click the "FooCrypt Licensing Request Platform" checkbox that matches your purchase
		3. Please enter "Serial_10_Perpetual" into the "FooCrypt Licensing Request" Field

			* You will be contacted by a FooCrypt Staff Member so that you can provide a comma delimited file with the licensing details.

	* 100_Perpetual ( Lifetime ) :
		1. Click the "100_Perpetual" checkbox and Enter your Full Name and Email Address as per your Licensing Option Purchase
		2. Click the "FooCrypt Licensing Request Platform" checkbox that matches your purchase
		3. Please enter "Serial_100_Perpetual" into the "FooCrypt Licensing Request" Field

			* You will be contacted by a FooCrypt Staff Member so that you can provide a comma delimited file with the licensing details.

	* Once received and your licensing rights confirmed, you will be emailed the appropriate FooCrypt Licensing Keys

	* Please allow up to 7 calendar days for the processing of your Licensing Request