FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

Provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA via
Cryptography & Steganography

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FooCrypt C.L.I. Darwin



Darwin Example Command Line Interface StdOut

FooCrypt C.L.I.

-> /Volumes/FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core.Darwin/ -h
STATUS  : Runtime Options          : FooCrypt -h
HELP    : Available ARG_MAX        : 255000
STATUS  : Testing OpenSSL          : /usr/bin/openssl
STATUS  : PATH                     : /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin
STATUS  : LD_LIBRARY_PATH          : /usr/lib
STATUS  : OpenSSL                  : /usr/bin/openssl
STATUS  : OpenSSL Version          : LibreSSL 2.8.3
STATUS  : Loaded OpenSSL Libraries :
STATUS  :        /usr/lib/libssl.46.dylib (compatibility version 47.0.0, current version 47.1.0)
STATUS  :        /usr/lib/libcrypto.44.dylib (compatibility version 45.0.0, current version 45.1.0)
STATUS  :        /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TrustEvaluationAgent.framework/Versions/A/TrustEvaluationAgent (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 33.0.0)
STATUS  :        /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1281.100.1)
STATUS  : Found                    : /Volumes/FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core.Darwin/
STATUS  : Running FooCrypt Initialisation Integrity Checks
STATUS  : Passed FooCrypt Initialisation Integrity Check 0
HELP    : QRCS ( With eAES® )      : Darwin Environment Detected
HELP    : QRCS ( With eAES® )      : Is Currently Available For Your Operating System ( Darwin )
HELP    : QRCS ( With eAES® )      : For Further Details On QRCS ( With eAES® ), Visit
STATUS  : Running Instances Of     : FooCrypt
STATUS  : User ID                  : 501
STATUS  : Group ID                 : 20
STATUS  : Process ID               : 20577
STATUS  : UID       GID       PID       PPID      PROG
STATUS  : 501       20        20577     11730     /Volumes/FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core.Darwin/
STATUS  : Passed FooCrypt Initialisation Integrity Check 1
STATUS  : FooCrypt.Key File Located
STATUS  : /Users/FooCrypt/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/.FooCrypt.Key
STATUS  : 2487184982
STATUS  : FooCrypt.Lic File Located
STATUS  : /Users/FooCrypt/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/.FooCrypt.Lic
STATUS  : U2FsdGVkX1++azomgJApbM4OLtjzyYOnxDLp3xyjtqc91jqmcO6LVI2g0I4EnA1L
STATUS  : nkjUwTmWqX0dPt18fqha6XzRg5YXN+OXTMxbMwKptdIVvN1oIbZavFkPRosjbRXx
STATUS  : System_Serial=20240104003734:BuildTest:BuildTest@FooCrypt.Net
STATUS  : FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption.
STATUS  : FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core.Darwin
STATUS  : CopyRight © Cryptopocalypse 1980 - 2024, All Rights Reserved.
STATUS  : BuildTest License Verified
STATUS  : FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core.Darwin, BuildTest Expiration Date : 20240104003734
STATUS  : Default Preferences      : /Users/FooCrypt/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/.FooCrypt
STATUS  : Testing OpenSSL          : /usr/bin/openssl
STATUS  : PATH                     : /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin
STATUS  : LD_LIBRARY_PATH          : /usr/lib
STATUS  : OpenSSL                  : /usr/bin/openssl
STATUS  : OpenSSL Version          : LibreSSL 2.8.3
STATUS  : Loaded OpenSSL Libraries :
STATUS  :        /usr/lib/libssl.46.dylib (compatibility version 47.0.0, current version 47.1.0)
STATUS  :        /usr/lib/libcrypto.44.dylib (compatibility version 45.0.0, current version 45.1.0)
STATUS  :        /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TrustEvaluationAgent.framework/Versions/A/TrustEvaluationAgent (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 33.0.0)
STATUS  :        /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1281.100.1)
STATUS  : Excluded Cyphers         : aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha1$|aes-128-gcm$|aes-192-gcm$|aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha1$|aes-256-gcm$|des-ede3-cfb1$|id-aes128-GCM$|id-aes192-GCM$|id-aes256-GCM$
STATUS  : Expect                   : /usr/bin/expect
STATUS  : Expect Version           : expect version 5.45
STATUS  : Help : RunTime Options   : FooCrypt -h
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :  FooCrypt:
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :          ABOUT
STATUS  : Help :             FooCrypt
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :            A.K.A.        FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption.
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :          RELEASE
STATUS  : Help :            FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core.Darwin
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :          COPYRIGHT
STATUS  : Help :            Copyright: CopyRight © Cryptopocalypse 1980 - 2024, All Rights Reserved.
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :            The Copyright Owner hereby revokes your right, to any previous versions, distributions, releases.
STATUS  : Help :            Whether they be in part or complete versions, released under any license or by any other corporation, or entity.
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :            The Copyright Owner hereby grants you permission to use this software.
STATUS  : Help :            Provided that it is licensed up until the license expiration date.
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :          WARRANTY
STATUS  : Help :            This software is provided as is without any express or implied warranty.
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :          AUTHOR
STATUS  : Help :            Mark A. Lane
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :          DATE WRITTEN
STATUS  : Help :            April 7, 2013
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :          REASON WRITTEN
STATUS  : Help :            Standardisation across ports.
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :          SYNOPSIS
STATUS  : Help :            FooCrypt
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -a | Algorithm To Use OpenSSL_Cypher ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ See : FooCrypt -H Available | Help Display Available Algorithms ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : FooCrypt-aes256
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -A | Test All Bin_OpenSSL Versions & Algorithms Located In Absolute PATH to FooCrypt-OpenSSL Directory ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Required : Place full PATH In Double Quotes, Including Any Wild Options "*"
STATUS  : Help :           * Default  : /Users/FooCrypt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Darwin/bin_64
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -b | Batch Mode To Use ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ None ]
STATUS  : Help :            * Default : None
STATUS  : Help :           [ Sequential | Sequentially Process All Files In [Batch Mode Directory ]/YYMMDDHHMMSS_In ]
STATUS  : Help :                 * 1. Poll [ Batch Mode Directory ]/YYMMDDHHMMSS_In Every 60 Seconds For Files,
STATUS  : Help :                 * 2. Sequentially Process The Files, Sleeping For 5 Seconds Between Files,
STATUS  : Help :                 * 3. Repeat 1 & 2 Till FooCrypt Is Killed
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :            * Default : Place A Prefix On All Batch Mode Files Via Command "date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S" [ 20231018063355 ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :            * Optional :
STATUS  : Help :                    [ -y | Default | None | User Defined String ]
STATUS  : Help :                    [ -Y | None | Date | User Defined String ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :            * Note : Only Available With An Encrypted FooKey
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -B | Full PATH Of The Batch Mode Directory ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Will Be Created If It Does Not Exist, And The User Has Permissions To Create It
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : /Users/FooCrypt/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/20231018063353_FooCryptDev_FooCrypt
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -c | Check Requirements ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -C | Create FooKey ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : Will Create A FooKey Of 50 Cycles With A Password Length Of 512 Characters
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : FooCrypt-aes256
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : /dev/random
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : 485,100,24250
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :           * Optional :
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -a | Algorithm To Use ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -f | Full PATH of File To Create FooKey From ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -F | FooKey Create Settings ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -M | Message Digest To Use FooKey_MD ]
STATUS  : Help :                      Set FooKey Password via :
STATUS  : Help :                        * export FooKeyPassword=[ Password For FooKey ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -d | To Decrypt ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -D | Display Debug Expect Output ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -e | To Encrypt ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -E | Full PATH Of Expect Version To Use ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ /usr/bin/expect ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -f | Full PATH of File To Create FooKey From ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : /dev/random
STATUS  : Help :           * File Type [ Ordinary File | Fifo Special File or a Pipe | Character Special File ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Must be Readable by Current Process
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :           * Requires :
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -C | Create FooKey ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :           * Optional :
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -a | Algorithm To Use ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -F | FooKey Create Settings ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -M | Message Digest To Use FooKey_MD ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -F | FooKey Create Settings ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ FooKey_ARG_MAX ],[ FooKey_Seek ],[ FooKey_Count ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : 485,100,24250
STATUS  : Help :                   * FooKey_ARG_MAX Valid Characters [0-9]
STATUS  : Help :                   * FooKey_Seek Valid Characters [0-9]
STATUS  : Help :                   * FooKey_Count Valid Characters [0-9]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :           * Requires :
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -C | Create FooKey ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :           * Optional :
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -a | Algorithm To Use ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -f | Full PATH of File To Create FooKey From ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -M | Message Digest To Use FooKey_MD ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -h | Help ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -H | Help Display Algorithms ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ All ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ Available ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ Excluded ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -i | Full PATH Of Input Filename ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -I | Input Filename, Decryption Input Format ( Decrypt_IF ) ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Requires :
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -d | To Decrypt ]
STATUS  : Help :              * [ BASE64 ]
STATUS  : Help :                  * Convert BASE64 Input Filename Encrypted File Format To OpenSSL
STATUS  : Help :                  * Convert BASE64 Input Filename Encrypted File Format To QRCS
STATUS  : Help :              * [ OpenSSL ]
STATUS  : Help :                  * Default : OpenSSL is the Default Input Filename Encrypted File Format When Using OpenSSL
STATUS  : Help :              * [ QRCS ]
STATUS  : Help :                  * Default : QRCS is the Default Input Filename Encrypted File Format When Using QRCS
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -k | Keep TmpDir ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Do not Remove /Users/FooCrypt/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/20231018063353_FooCryptDev_FooCrypt
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -K | FooKey_Mode ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : 4
STATUS  : Help :             * 1 : 11.0.0- Treats The Backslash '\' Character, As An Escape Character, Password Includes FooKey Meta Delimiters : <FooKey(NNN)> </FooKey(NNN)>
STATUS  : Help :             * 2 : 11.0.0+ Treats The Backslash '\' Character, As An Escape Character, Password Does Not Include FooKey Meta Delimiters : <FooKey(NNN)> </FooKey(NNN)>
STATUS  : Help :             * 3 : 11.0.0+ Treats The Backslash '\' Character, As A Raw Character, Password Includes FooKey Meta Delimiters : <FooKey(NNN)> </FooKey(NNN)>
STATUS  : Help :             * 4 : 11.0.0+ Treats The Backslash '\' Character, As A Raw Character, Password Does Not Include FooKey Meta Delimiters : <FooKey(NNN)> </FooKey(NNN)>
STATUS  : Help :                   * Where N = Numerical Characters 0 - 9
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -L | Display LICENSE AGREEMENTS ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -m | Message Digest To Use OpenSSL_MD ]
STATUS  : Help :            * sha256 is Default
STATUS  : Help :               * Available For : LibreSSL 2.8.3 : /usr/bin/openssl
STATUS  : Help :                  gost-mac md4 md5 md_gost94 ripemd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 streebog256 streebog512 whirlpool
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :             OpenSSL 1.1.1w  11 Sep 2023 : /Users/FooCrypt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Darwin/bin_64/openssl-1.1.1w/bin/openssl : blake2b512 blake2s256 gost md4 md5 mdc2 rmd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512 sha384 sha512 sha512-224 sha512-256 shake128 shake256 sm3
STATUS  : Help :             OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023) : /Users/FooCrypt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Darwin/bin_64/openssl-3.0.11/bin/openssl : blake2b512 blake2s256 md5 rmd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512 sha384 sha512 sha512-224 sha512-256 shake128 shake256 sm3
STATUS  : Help :             OpenSSL 3.1.3 19 Sep 2023 (Library: OpenSSL 3.1.3 19 Sep 2023) : /Users/FooCrypt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Darwin/bin_64/openssl-3.1.3/bin/openssl : blake2b512 blake2s256 md5 rmd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512 sha384 sha512 sha512-224 sha512-256 shake128 shake256 sm3
STATUS  : Help :             LibreSSL 2.8.3 : /usr/bin/openssl : gost-mac md4 md5 md_gost94 ripemd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 streebog256 streebog512 whirlpool
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -M | Message Digest To Use FooKey_MD ]
STATUS  : Help :            * sha256 is Default
STATUS  : Help :               * Available For : LibreSSL 2.8.3 : /usr/bin/openssl
STATUS  : Help :                  gost-mac md4 md5 md_gost94 ripemd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 streebog256 streebog512 whirlpool
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :             OpenSSL 1.1.1w  11 Sep 2023 : /Users/FooCrypt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Darwin/bin_64/openssl-1.1.1w/bin/openssl : blake2b512 blake2s256 gost md4 md5 mdc2 rmd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512 sha384 sha512 sha512-224 sha512-256 shake128 shake256 sm3
STATUS  : Help :             OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.11 19 Sep 2023) : /Users/FooCrypt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Darwin/bin_64/openssl-3.0.11/bin/openssl : blake2b512 blake2s256 md5 rmd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512 sha384 sha512 sha512-224 sha512-256 shake128 shake256 sm3
STATUS  : Help :             OpenSSL 3.1.3 19 Sep 2023 (Library: OpenSSL 3.1.3 19 Sep 2023) : /Users/FooCrypt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Darwin/bin_64/openssl-3.1.3/bin/openssl : blake2b512 blake2s256 md5 rmd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512 sha384 sha512 sha512-224 sha512-256 shake128 shake256 sm3
STATUS  : Help :             LibreSSL 2.8.3 : /usr/bin/openssl : gost-mac md4 md5 md_gost94 ripemd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 streebog256 streebog512 whirlpool
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -n | New FooHome Directory ]
STATUS  : Help :            * Default : /Users/FooCrypt/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt
STATUS  : Help :            * Must Contain The FooCrypt License Files
STATUS  : Help :            * FooCrypt Must Have Write Access
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -o | Full PATH Of Output filename ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -O | Output Filename, Encryption Output Format ( Encrypt_OF ) ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Requires :
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -e | To Encrypt ]
STATUS  : Help :              * [ BASE64 ]
STATUS  : Help :                  * Convert FooCrypt Encrypted Output To BASE64
STATUS  : Help :                  * Convert QRCS Encrypted Output To BASE64
STATUS  : Help :              * [ OpenSSL ]
STATUS  : Help :                  * Default : OpenSSL is the Default Encrypted Output Format When Using OpenSSL
STATUS  : Help :              * [ QRCS ]
STATUS  : Help :                  * Default : QRCS is the Default Encrypted Output Format When Using QRCS
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -p | Full PATH of Input Password List Filename ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -P | Input Password List Filename Password Source ]
STATUS  : Help :           * [ Algorithm:Type:PATH ]
STATUS  : Help :                * Algorithm
STATUS  : Help :                   [ FooCrypt-None ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ See FooCrypt -H Available | Display Available Algorithms ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ FooCrypt-QRCS ]
STATUS  : Help :                 * Type
STATUS  : Help :                    [ Ask ]         | Encrypted FooKey
STATUS  : Help :                      Set FooKey Password via :
STATUS  : Help :                        * export FooKeyPassword=[ Password For FooKey ]
STATUS  : Help :                    [ Ask ]         | FooCrypt-QRCS Prompts for QRCS Username & Password
STATUS  : Help :                      Set QRCS User Name via :
STATUS  : Help :                        * export eAESrUser=[ User Name For QRCS ]
STATUS  : Help :                      Set QRCS Password via :
STATUS  : Help :                        * export eAESrPasswd=[ Password For QRCS ]
STATUS  : Help :                    [ Fifo ]        | GUI Only
STATUS  : Help :                    [ None ]        | ASCII FooKey
STATUS  : Help :                 * PATH
STATUS  : Help :                    [ Full PATH to Fifo ]
STATUS  : Help :                    [ None ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -q | Full PATH Of QRCS ( .qkey .qksec .qkpub ) File ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ Not Activated : Requires License From ]
STATUS  : Help :              * Requires : QRCS ( With eAES® ) Cipher Engine
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -Q | Full PATH Of QRCS Cipher Engine ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ Not Activated : Requires License From ]
STATUS  : Help :              * Requires : QRCS ( With eAES® ) Cipher Engine
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -r | QRCS Option ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ Not Activated : Requires License From ]
STATUS  : Help :              * Requires : QRCS ( With eAES® ) Cipher Engine
STATUS  : Help :                 * [ about ]     :
STATUS  : Help :                 * [ usage ]     :
STATUS  : Help :                 * [ help ]      :
STATUS  : Help :                 * [ transform ] :
STATUS  : Help :                 * [ create ]    :
STATUS  : Help :                 * [ delete ]    :
STATUS  : Help :                 * [ sign ]      :
STATUS  : Help :                 * [ sgen ]      :
STATUS  : Help :                 * [ verify ]    :
STATUS  : Help :              * Default : None
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -s | Use A Standard OpenSSL Password ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Limited To
STATUS  : Help :              CLI :
STATUS  : Help :               Minimum Characters 0
STATUS  : Help :               Maximum Characters 522
STATUS  : Help :              GUI :
STATUS  : Help :               Minimum Characters 8
STATUS  : Help :               Maximum Characters 522
STATUS  : Help :                * Note : Password Character Count > FooKey_ARG_MAX Preferences Setting
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -S | send_slow Preset Expect Settings ]
STATUS  : Help :              * See : man -s 1 expect
STATUS  : Help :              * Requires : QRCS ( With eAES® ) Cipher Engine
STATUS  : Help :              * Default  : -S 10 [  1024   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :                            * 0 [      1   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 1 [      2   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 2 [      4   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 3 [      8   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 4 [     16   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 5 [     32   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 6 [     64   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 7 [    128   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 8 [    256   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 9 [    512   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 10 [  1024   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 11 [  2048   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 12 [  4096   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 13 [  8192   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 14 [ 32768   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :                            * 15 [ 65536   0.1 ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -t | Test All OpenSSL Ciphers For 1 Cycle To Determine ARG_MAX Length ]
STATUS  : Help :           [ Start_ARG_MAX ],[End_ARG_MAX ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :            * Start_ARG_MAX Valid Characters [0-9]
STATUS  : Help :            * Start_ARG_MAX = NULL Are Reset To 512
STATUS  : Help :            * Start_ARG_MAX < 28 Are Reset To 28 STATUS : Help : * Start_ARG_MAX > 550 Are Reset To 550
STATUS  : Help :            * Start_ARG_MAX >= End_ARG_MAX Are Rest To End_ARG_MAX - 1
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :            * End_ARG_MAX Valid Characters [0-9]
STATUS  : Help :            * End_ARG_MAX = NULL Are Reset To 550
STATUS  : Help :            * End_ARG_MAX > 550 Are Reset To 550
STATUS  : Help :            * End_ARG_MAX > 550 Have Been Previously Tested And Are Known To Fail
STATUS  : Help :            * End_ARG_MAX <= Start_ARG_MAX Are Rest To Start_ARG_MAX + 1 STATUS : Help : STATUS : Help : * Optional : STATUS : Help : [ -A | Test All Bin_OpenSSL Versions ] STATUS : Help : [ -D | Display Debug Expect Output ] STATUS : Help : [ -u | Use ASCII_Range 32-127 For Test Functions ] STATUS : Help : [ -v | Display Verbose Output ] STATUS : Help : STATUS : Help : [ -T | Validate All Cyphers For Cycles ] STATUS : Help : [ Cycles ],[ ARG_MAX ] STATUS : Help : STATUS : Help : * Cycles Valid Characters [0-9] STATUS : Help : * Cycles = NULL Are Reset To 5 STATUS : Help : * Cycles > 200 Are Reset To 200
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :            * ARG_MAX Valid Characters [0-9]
STATUS  : Help :            * ARG_MAX = NULL Are Reset To 512
STATUS  : Help :            * ARG_MAX < 28 Are Reset To 28 STATUS : Help : * ARG_MAX > 550 Are Reset To 550
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :           * Optional :
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -A | Test All Bin_OpenSSL Versions ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -D | Display Debug Expect Output ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -p | Full PATH of Input Password List Filename ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -u | Use ASCII_Range 32-127 For Test Functions ]
STATUS  : Help :                   [ -v | Display Verbose Output ]
STATUS  : Help :                   * Required :
STATUS  : Help :                              : [ Cycles ],[ ARG_MAX ]
STATUS  : Help :                                 * Cycles = 0
STATUS  : Help :                                 * ARG_MAX = 0
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -u | Use ASCII_Range 32-127 For Test Functions ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : ASCII_Range 48-58 | Numerical Characters 0123456789
STATUS  : Help :           * ASCII_Range 32-127 : " !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
STATUS  : Help :                   * Required :
STATUS  : Help :                     [ -t | Test All OpenSSL Ciphers For 1 Cycle To Determine ARG_MAX Length ]
STATUS  : Help :                       or
STATUS  : Help :                     [ -T | Validate All Cyphers For Cycles ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -U | UpDate Url ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Default :
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -v | Display Verbose Output ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -V | Display FooCrypt Version ]
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -x | Display Available ARG_MAX ]
STATUS  : Help :            * Available ARG_MAX=250435
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -X | UpDate | Validate ]
STATUS  : Help :          UpDate
STATUS  : Help :           * Check For Updates
STATUS  : Help :             * Requires Internet Access
STATUS  : Help :             * Requires curl
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :          Validate
STATUS  : Help :           * Validate SHA256 Signatures of all files located in /Volumes/FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core.Darwin/
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -y | Batch Mode Prefix ]
STATUS  : Help :   	 [ None | Overrides The Default Setting To Prefix All Files With The Processing Date & Time ]
STATUS  : Help :   	 [ User Defined String | Anything The End User Requires As A Prefix String, Overrides The Default Setting To Prefix All Files With The Processing Date & Time ]
STATUS  : Help :   	 * Default : Prepends The Processing Date & Time As A Prefix : 20231018063357
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -Y | Batch Mode Suffix ]
STATUS  : Help :   	 [ Date | Appends The Processing Date & Time As A Suffix : 20231018063357 ]
STATUS  : Help :   	 [ User Defined String | Anything The End User Requires As A Suffix String ]
STATUS  : Help :   	 * Default : None
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -z | Full PATH Of OpenSSL Binary To Use ]
STATUS  : Help :           * Default : /usr/bin/openssl
STATUS  : Help :              * Default : OpenSSL is the Default Encrypted Output Format When Using OpenSSL
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   [ -Z | Special Openssl Options ]
STATUS  : Help :            * OPENSSL Only
STATUS  : Help :            * Varies Depending On The Version Of OpenSSL You Are Using
STATUS  : Help :            * Place Options Inside Double Quotes "
STATUS  : Help :            * See [ Absolute PATH to OpenSSL ] enc -help
STATUS  : Help :            * See man -s 1 enc
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   Exclude :
STATUS  : Help :            -A                 Process base64 data on one line (requires -a)
STATUS  : Help :            -K key             Key to use, specified as a hexadecimal string
STATUS  : Help :            -a                 Perform base64 encoding/decoding (alias -base64)
STATUS  : Help :            -d                 Decrypt the input data
STATUS  : Help :            -e                 Encrypt the input data (default)
STATUS  : Help :            -in file           Input file to read from (default stdin)
STATUS  : Help :            -md digest         Digest to use to create a key from the passphrase
STATUS  : Help :            -out file          Output file to write to (default stdout)
STATUS  : Help :            -pass source       Password source
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   Include :
STATUS  : Help :            -P                 Print out the salt, key and IV used, then exit
STATUS  : Help :            -S salt            Salt to use, specified as a hexadecimal string
STATUS  : Help :            -bufsize size      Specify the buffer size to use for I/O
STATUS  : Help :            -debug             Print debugging information
STATUS  : Help :            -iv IV             IV to use, specified as a hexadecimal string
STATUS  : Help :            -none              Use NULL cipher (no encryption or decryption)
STATUS  : Help :            -nopad             Disable standard block padding
STATUS  : Help :            -p                 Print out the salt, key and IV used
STATUS  : Help :            -salt              Use a salt in the key derivation routines (default)
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   Compile Time CIPHERS On This System Include :
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :			  Note that some of these ciphers can be disabled at compile
STATUS  : Help :			  time and some are available only if an appropriate engine is
STATUS  : Help :			  configured in the configuration file. The output of the enc
STATUS  : Help :			  command run with unsupported options (for example openssl
STATUS  : Help :			  enc -help) includes a list of ciphers, supported by your
STATUS  : Help :			  version of OpenSSL, including ones provided by configured
STATUS  : Help :			  engines.
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :			  The enc program does not support authenticated encryption
STATUS  : Help :			  modes like CCM and GCM. The utility does not store or
STATUS  : Help :			  retrieve the authentication tag.
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-128-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha1
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-128-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-128-cfb1
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-128-cfb8
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-128-ctr
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-128-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-128-gcm
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-128-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-128-xts
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-192-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-192-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-192-cfb1
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-192-cfb8
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-192-ctr
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-192-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-192-gcm
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-192-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-256-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha1
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-256-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-256-cfb1
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-256-cfb8
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-256-ctr
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-256-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-256-gcm
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-256-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes-256-xts
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes128
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes192
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-aes256
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-bf
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-bf-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-bf-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-bf-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-bf-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-blowfish
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-128-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-128-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-128-cfb1
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-128-cfb8
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-128-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-128-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-192-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-192-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-192-cfb1
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-192-cfb8
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-192-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-192-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-256-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-256-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-256-cfb1
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-256-cfb8
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-256-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia-256-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia128
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia192
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-camellia256
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-cast
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-cast-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-cast5-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-cast5-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-cast5-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-cast5-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-chacha
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-cfb1
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-cfb8
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ede
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ede-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ede-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ede-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ede3
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ede3-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ede3-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ede3-cfb1
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ede3-cfb8
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ede3-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-des3
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-desx
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-desx-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-gost89
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-gost89-cnt
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-gost89-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-id-aes128-GCM
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-id-aes192-GCM
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-id-aes256-GCM
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-rc2
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-rc2-40-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-rc2-64-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-rc2-cbc
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-rc2-cfb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-rc2-ecb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-rc2-ofb
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-rc4
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-rc4-40
STATUS  : Help :           All : FooCrypt-rc4-hmac-md5
STATUS  : Help :
STATUS  : Help :   ALL OS's :
STATUS  : Help :      ${PATH} = /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin is searched for :
STATUS  : Help :              ${Openssl} = /usr/bin/openssl
STATUS  : Help :              ${Expect}  = /usr/bin/expect
STATUS  : Help :              ${Wish}    =
STATUS  : Help :              ${Pager}   = /usr/bin/more [ more | pg | less | cat ]
STATUS  : Help :              ksh - inbuilt : pwd, print, printf, sleep, time, whence
STATUS  : Help :              date | gdate
STATUS  : Help :              sed | gsed
STATUS  : Help :              file | gfile
STATUS  : Help :              otool | ldd
STATUS  : Help :              awk
STATUS  : Help :              basename
STATUS  : Help :              cat
STATUS  : Help :              chmod
STATUS  : Help :              cp
STATUS  : Help :              curl
STATUS  : Help :              cut
STATUS  : Help :              diff
STATUS  : Help :              dirname
STATUS  : Help :              egrep
STATUS  : Help :              find
STATUS  : Help :              grep
STATUS  : Help :              gzip
STATUS  : Help :              head
STATUS  : Help :              ls
STATUS  : Help :              mkdir
STATUS  : Help :              mkfifo
STATUS  : Help :              print
STATUS  : Help :              printf
STATUS  : Help :              pwd
STATUS  : Help :              rm
STATUS  : Help :              sleep
STATUS  : Help :              strings
STATUS  : Help :              time
STATUS  : Help :              touch
STATUS  : Help :              tr
STATUS  : Help :              tty
STATUS  : Help :              uname
STATUS  : Help :              wget
STATUS  : Help :              whence
STATUS  : Help :              who
STATUS  : Removing Temp Directory  : /Users/FooCrypt/Library/Caches/net.FooCrypt/20231018063353_FooCryptDev_FooCrypt
STATUS  : FooCrypt_RunTime         : 6 Seconds
STATUS  : FooCrypt_RunTime         : 0 Days, 0 Hours, 0 Minutes, 6 Seconds
STATUS  : FooCrypt_Exit_Code_0